We have had a few days of sun and now everyone is ready to get out in the woods to ride. There are a few new machines in the mix this year and some new riders too so that makes for plenty of energy to get out.
Most of this winter has been buying tools and parts for our machines. Well, mostly the Suzuki Quadracer, to be honest. This has become a full resto-mod and I am most of the way to having quite a ripper. Now I just have to decide how far I want to go with it and do I want to turn it over as the original plan was or do I want to make this machine into my personal unique custom monster.
Steering Stem
This is the top bushing with new polished stainless bolts.
There isn’t much to see here in the picture, but the stainless bolts are holding the parts where the bushings are.

…and the bottom bushing. The old ones were absolute toast.

This alone made a huge difference in my steering, but later on I replaced the tie rods and things are really tight now.
Oh, and a goat break.
It’s kidding season here and we had to disbud a bunch of babies. Believe it or not, it appears to not bother them much at all now. It did when we started. There was certainly a learning curve but we seem to have a really good method now and as soon as we put them down, the seem fine and just go about their way as if nothing happened.
The trick is to use a really good quality propane tool and cauterize all the way through the flesh to the bone and then also remove the inner piece that would be left. If there is no skin left on the bone, it doesn’t hurt or become infected or any other problems.
We do breed for polled (no horns), but more than half are still horned.
If you are interested in more about Nigerian Dwarf Goats, check out Lisa’s farm site, DiggningDeeperFarm.com

Our horse likes to play dead and make the people driving by worried. She has been doing this for the last several years now. If it is sunny out, she loves to lay out flat and have a good hard snooze.

Of course, we have some babies in the garage.

Back To Building Quads
Replacing more bolts with polished stainless bolts.

Looking pretty good, I think.

Tie Rod Ends

The next projects are to rebuild the front calipers and replace the ball joints.
The ball joints may be interesting because I have custom A-arms and they look like they may be attached in an interesting way.