Yesterday, I managed to leave the key on in my truck. No big deal, but for some reason, when I got the batteries charged and fired the truck up, the engine light was on. Checking the engine, I noticed that the coolant was low. Its because the turbo coolant input seal is damaged.
This is a known problem and I should have gotten it taken care of a while ago, but clearly I didn’t – and today it becomes a problem.
Like I said, I put the shoeing box and anvil stand in the Big White Free Candy Creeper and off I went to shoe a few horses. The first stop was a bit of a bust. I only managed to get one of three horses shod.

I expected the horses to reset (meaning I can re-use the old shoes), but I really needed my shoeing rig to get them done right. Then off I went to do a bit of a consultation.
We got the truck to the shop. Now its too frick’n hot to get anything done outside, so I’m here at my desk working on content creation stuff.
Something unexpected and exciting to me happened this afternoon while I was working on stuff… Will joined Hive!

We got @william-gregory an account through Peakd and I also showed him how to use Hive.Vote. I explained the basics of how Hive works and how to get a foot on the ground. Now I can only hope that he can be more consistent than I am.
Speaking of consistency, I think I have some good ideas on maintaining that for myself. I started a WordPress site and I’m using Hive and LBRY for all of my work. I think this will keep me going on all my accounts – led by this one. I have a website for each account, which I wish wasn’t necessary, but until one of these platforms has the organization, layout and curation features of a WordPress site, this is the way I want to go.
Even if we couldn’t have these features on our blockchain platforms, I wonder if we could ever have a way to create a dynamic website in a decentralized way. As of right now, I use a host. I could host it myself, but I still have to use an centralized Internet connection and a centralized naming system. If we could solve those two problems… well, that would be huge.
We actually already have the tools. We do have mesh networking, but I don’t know how it could become mainstream enough to fully cede from the Internet. Same with some blockchain naming conventions like we see on LBRY.
I digressed… sorry about that.
Here in a little bit, I’ll probably go out and work on organizing the garage some more.