One of my shoeing clients has wanted me to take their old ’95 Yamaha Timberwolf for a while now. It’s definitely not a very desirable machine, but that can be put aside for now because we can find some value in letting @william-gregory strip it down and see what he can do with it.

We had to pull the big ass heavy seats out of the hauler.
Its always an adventure getting these things in and out, but we are starting to get better at it now.

@liljespy is up here this weekend to ride his newly found dump bike he fixed up last week. Of course, the tube popped. We went and got a new tube at Wallmart, but then that popped right away too. Looks like the rim didn’t have tape on it.

Well, that was a lot of cat shit. We loaded this thing up in some loose limestone that about 1,000 cats used as a shit pile.

It smelled like cat shit all the way home, of course.
I can’t see a whole lot of hope in this thing turning out to be much, but we shall see.

@william-gregory, taking care of business. Keep an eye on his account to see what he can get done with it.

The Dweeb Team in Full Force.