I’m all set up to do ATV builds and maintenance. I spent the entire fall and winter investing in the proper tools to take apart machines and rebuild them. I have all the bearing puller/ installers, case splitters, wrenches and sockets, etc as well as a nice bench top tool chest. I should be ready to go, and I absolutely can do most general work but I have found a real problem; parts are damn hard to come by these days.
Stuff like axles, hubs, swing arms, A-arms and mounting plates for custom bikes are super hard to get, especially for the older classic two-strokes I am interested in, but supplies are slim for all the machines.

Looking at these parts, they appear to be largely doable, but at the same time, they also require lots of knowledge and special milling tools to get them done at a professional quality.

The next several months will be focused on getting this figured out. I am pretty sure this is my future.