September 12, 2022
I have spent the entire weekend shockingly focused on Steelbak. I did some messing with the site and lots of file organizing. I’m kind of giddy honestly, but I’m also realizing what I’ve gotten myself into. The hours in front of the computer are certainly having an effect on my rumpus.
There is so much content and organizing that needs to be done.
I’m doing it though.
Even if the site doesn’t look much different, I did a lot of things. Not going to go into that at the moment, but I’m feeling like I’ve been getting a real handle on the overflow of content I have collected for so very long. I’m working on organizing and creating content going forward and backward. It’s pretty fun because its all starting to come together.
Mondays have long been my catch up day. It’s a farrier and horse thing. Long story for another time.
I don’t need Mondays for that reason anymore, but I still find it extremely valuable to have this day to just get some things done. It’s a good way to “get out of the gate running”.
Shoeing supplies Ordered.
Horse shoeing pays the bill still. Not much and its going away fast, but the first order of business is making sure my act is all together so I can maximize my quality and time at the horse. I’ve spent a lot of years “perfecting” my routine. Its very simple and effective, but it does require some effort and thought.
Fuel filter, air filter and oil change for the Ford Explorer.

It’s time to give this machine the TLC its been missing.

I pulled the Explorer into the garage so I can work on the fuel filter now. It’s making some noise, so I figured its time to change it. I’ve done it once before on this machine and its a tough one. I’ll probably get to that tomorrow afternoon when I get home from shoeing.
I do have some video, so I’ll work on editing that now and see how it comes out.