Morning Shoeing

No pictures of horses, just the rig here. I have some more content to post over on I’ll probably get to edit soon.
I never even knew this was a thing until I sat down to do some editing and took a scroll on Peakd to see what some of my people are up to today. I like this kind of thing and I actually happened to take a bunch of pictures on my Wednesday Walk this week. How convenient!
It’s funny how these things work – I just recently saw a post by @derangedvisions called Walking around with my wide angle lens that I thought was different and interesting. It’s a lot like these Wednesday Walks I just found today. It’s an interesting way to get to see a different place from the perspective of the author/ photographer and I like that.
I’m trying the goal of walking a good 20 miles per week for now. I have a perfect 6 mile loop around my little town of Milford, Ohio and I’m going to try to do that at least four times a week for now. This will get me to a solid 24 miles per week. We often go for a few laps around our property as a family a few times a week as the weather permits, so that is a good base amount for walking. It’s certainly a ton more than I have done in the last couple of decades.
And to think there was once a time when I was a pretty damn competitive XC runner.

In the beginning…
This is a little park with access to the The Great American Rail Trail in Ohio. Its a perfect spot to park and hit the trail which connects to the beautiful town of Milford, OH