It’s Monday as I start this article, my normal day off from shoeing and it is also my birthday. I’m 48 today. I’m just looking to hang out and catch up on organizing, editing and such. I had a bit of a talk with Will this morning and once again, we have a lot of content to make. So much…
There is just so much to do around here. Today, I go over the long list and continue to try to get stuff done as much as weather and ambition allows. It’s the dog days of summer and its suppose to be a hot, humid and stormy day.
Can We Make It To Next Weekend’s Ride?
I highly doubt it, honestly. This what needs done, just to get to the ride…
F 350 Custom Rig
Needs tires, check the minor front end noise and looseness. ~$2k Not sure I’m going to want to do that this week.
I had it at a fairly decent state of shine. I cleaned up the engine bay last week. It looks good other than the rotten batteries – added to the list. I checked them and they are holding, but I really am on borrowed time.

ZD 331
I just put some cheaper fuel filters on this machine a week or so ago and they seem like they are not good filters. They are squishy and there is fuel leaking from the hose of one and I’m pretty sure because the filters are too flexible and are not able to seal well. So I got some OEM filters. I keep learning my lesson.

This things needs new tires for sure. They are pretty cracked and not road worthy. Beyond that, it has the worst wiring harness I’ve ever seen. It needs replaced with some good lights. It’s a 24 foot trailer and it needs some body work and a freshening up for sure. It looks kinda janky and we’re not cool with that.

We need that shed to store a bunch of outdoor equipment like the ZD331
It needs new tires, a couple of CV boots need replaced already, check the lingering electrical drain gremlin, 4×4 not working (switches are weathered). It’s due for oil, spark plug and air service also.

I started putting a list together and ordered a few parts. Looks like it needs another couple thousand dollars to really freshen it up properly.
Needs A-arms. I will order a set from MTC when I get the chance. I ordered a Keihin 38PWK Air Striker Carburetor w/ Cable (Pre-jetted). About $1500 will finish this. We are supposed to be trying to finish this machine in order to build another couple machines with it so we can start our custom build endeavors.
We are still messing with the CTI brake conversion kit. Its a great kit, but there aren’t any directions that I saw, so I had to piece it together from some pictures on their site and I’m kinda slow it seems.

The fabricator says that he puts some cheap stuff in the kit and I see that you can get a rear master cylinder that fits here for like $15, but the OEM one sells for a couple hundred give or take if you can find one. I have one on order from Amazon for a pretty good price compared to the usual Motorsports sites I checked were offering.
House and property and other stuff.
I haven’t even had the time to get into that tragic list. It is border line overwhelming. More than anything, the house needs an exterior cleaning.
I’m also trying to be more consistent in working on all my sites. That’s exactly what I’m off to do now.
I have a Blender article I’ve been working on over at