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09-16-20: Beautiful day, but blech.

My boy, Will came with me today. That was nice for me, but other than that and the beautiful weather, I could have done without the rest of the hassles of today.

Yes, I know – I can’t really complain. Interestingly, just yesterday I was talking with another farrier about how good we have it being a farrier in the Cincinnati area. We have great clients and a great place to practice our craft.

Either way, sometimes it is frustrating when I put everything into keeping these horses going and all I get in return is a bunch of pain in the ass.

The first horse had literally kicked her shoes off against the concrete wall of her stall because she had some random fit about her neighbor. That messed her feet up pretty badly and of course the client put the horse out all night and they also continued to ride her.

That’s all good. I put my best foot forward and got to work trying to put her feet back together. Of course I am already a little heated from being frustrated about the first problem, now she decides to shit and piss all over the cross ties where she is throwing a fit about being alone and other horses doing stuff without her.

Finally went out to play with the kids and quads, but the Quadracer with the brand new Mikuni carb was flowing fuel. That was it for me today. I just came in and wasted a bunch of time on the computer doing stupid, unproductive things.

Finally, I got smart and started on today’s b/vlog.

I use Blender for everything, including video editing. I love Blender a lot, but the one thing that causes a bit of trouble is building proxies. Luckily, I figured out how to build them all at once instead of one clip at a time like I had for years. It is one of those facepalm things; all I had to do is select them all and build the proxies. Amazing how easy it can be to overlook the obvious sometimes.

It still takes quite a while even for my badass ThinkPad to process the proxies – even from a GoPro. While waiting, I got a bit caught back up with the only show can find that I want to watch.

I tried to do a little multitask as I write this article and watch the show. It only works because I’ve seen it plenty of times, but I still love it. It’s a great show – until the end…

The real takeaway from from today is none of this stuff, though. It is that I need to a capture the story with audio, video and pictures much better than I currently do.