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10-16-20: Friday night camp fire.

The morning started out with me trying to decide what to do with these nice new cedar Adirondack chairs. At first, I was going to paint them white, but the more just looked at them, the more I thought I wanted to keep them natural. I thought about staining and all that too, but cedar doesn’t really need any protection.

That made what was going to be a morning chore into a morning of doing more fun things.

Clearly, we decided to taking a few lapse on the quads before we committed to anything else made the most sense.

With the weather we have been having here in Ohio, I thought the best way to spend the afternoon was by collecting some wood for a fire this evening.

The boys are always more than happy to come out and mess around, but especially when its nice out. I have to admit that they are fairly fair weather fellows.

It only took us a couple hours or so to collect up a bit of wood and bring it up to where we were going to be having our fire.

@William-Gregory was more than happy to split the wood up while I sat my old fat ass on one of those nice Adirondack chairs and watched him work.

When people show up, obviously the work turns a bit more dramatic, lol.

We had a nice time. It got quite cold and quickly once the sun went down. Even with the good set of coals we had going, people were practically sitting in the fire as the night went on.

We had fun looking for shooting stars and the non-shooting stars in the very clear sky. The coyotes were pretty vocal through the night too.