The boys were pretty desperate to hit the trails today. That’s pretty much what @liljespy came up here with his bike for.
I didn’t have very much work this morning, so off we went. Honestly, I’m glad we did go and all, but I was having “issues” and didn’t really feel up to the task. They weren’t going to let me off the hook, though. Like I said, I ended up happy we went.
Stonelick State Park

We found these little mountain bike toys scattered about all over the park.

I don’t know how long we rode; probably a couple of hours. The trails were great. I expected them to be a lot more wet and sloppy, but luckily that was not the case.
Once we tired of that and went home, we went out on our own trails for a walk/ ride.

The picture above is my Johnny pointing out that the boys, @william-gregory and @liljespy missed a root on the trail that they had been trying to get rid of the day before.

I really do love my bike.