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Scheduling Guide

Welcome to this early phase of Steelbak’s development. As the lead of this multi-brand content creation endeavor, I’m currently focusing on finalizing the key documents that will guide our team. These documents are crucial, providing clear direction and ensuring that every team member understands their role.

There is a maximum of about 112 hours of awake time. I can safely keep up with about 60 hours of work time.

Managing My Multi-Brand Scheduling with KOrganizer and Nextcloud

KOrganizer and Nextcloud are the backbone of my scheduling system for my multi-brand content creation business. Here’s how they streamline my operations:

Unified Scheduling with KOrganizer

With KOrganizer, I have a unified view of all my tasks and events. I’ve created separate calendars for each of my brands – Steelbak, Flying-Higher, DiggnDeeper, and Farrier Services. This way, I can keep track of each brand’s activities while having a comprehensive overview of my schedule.

Brand Separation with Nextcloud

While KOrganizer gives me a unified view of my schedule, Nextcloud allows me to keep each brand’s data separate on the server side. Each brand has its own calendar on Nextcloud, ensuring the data is organized and easy to manage.

Why This Works for Me

  1. Efficiency: Having a unified view of my schedule in KOrganizer allows me to see all my tasks and events at a glance. It’s easier to plan my time and avoid conflicts.
  2. Organization: Keeping each brand’s data separate on Nextcloud ensures my data is well-organized and easy to manage. It also makes it easier to share specific brand calendars with relevant team members or stakeholders.
  3. Accessibility: With Nextcloud, my data is accessible from any device with an internet connection. I can check my schedule, even when I’m away from my main workstation.
  4. Security: Nextcloud is a self-hosted solution, meaning my data is stored on my own server, not a third-party server. This gives me full control over my data and adds an extra layer of security.
  5. Open-Source: Both KOrganizer and Nextcloud are open-source software. This aligns with my commitment to using open-source and decentralized tech.

Remember, the key to effective scheduling is consistency. I make sure to log all my tasks and events in KOrganizer and regularly check my calendar to stay on top of my projects.

Content Creation Session Scheduling.

Breaking down the content creation process into distinct sessions will help keep focus on each task and manage time effectively.

  1. Writing Session:
    • Goal: Outline and write the content.
    • Tasks: Research (if needed), brainstorming, outlining, writing, and revising.
    • Tools: Writing software, research materials, notes, etc.
    • Outcome: A completed script or article ready for recording or publishing.
  2. Recording Session:
    • Goal: Record the audio or video content.
    • Tasks: Setting up equipment, rehearsing, recording, and basic editing.
    • Tools: Camera, microphone, lighting, recording software, etc.
    • Outcome: Raw recorded material ready for editing.
  3. Editing Session:
    • Goal: Edit the recorded material into a polished product.
    • Tasks: Cutting, arranging, adding effects, color correction, sound mixing, etc.
    • Tools: Editing software like Blender, OBS, etc.
    • Outcome: A finished video or audio file ready for publishing.
  4. Publishing Session:
    • Goal: Publish the content and promote it.
    • Tasks: Uploading, writing descriptions, adding tags, sharing on social media, engaging with the community, etc.
    • Tools: Platforms like WordPress, YouTube, social media channels, etc.
    • Outcome: Content is live and being promoted to your audience.

What can I delegate?

In parallel, I’m refining the websites for each of our four brands – Steelbak, Flying-Higher, DiggnDeeper, and Farrier Services. This involves enhancing functionality, improving user experience, and ensuring each site accurately represents its respective brand.

Once these foundational elements are established, the focus will shift to content creation. This is where we’ll leverage our passion and expertise, sharing our journey through engaging and informative content.

An integral part of this process is setting up our monetization strategies. This will provide the financial support necessary to continue our work and share our passion with our audience.

This document outlines the current plan and schedule for these activities. It’s designed to be a comprehensive and clear guide to our next steps. Let’s get to work.

  1. Farrier Work: I’m currently still working as a farrier for a few hours per day, a few days per week. The amount of work varies depending on the season, with less work in the winter and more when the weather is nice or hot. I’m in the process of transitioning away from this career as the business is declining.
  2. Content Creation: I’m actively creating content for my various brands. This includes documenting projects for Steelbak, creating tutorials and guides for Flying-Higher, and writing articles and discussions for DiggnDeeper. The content creation process involves idea generation, planning, filming or writing, editing, and publishing.
  3. 3D Modeling and Blender Work: 3D modeling, particularly using Blender, is a central activity that ties together much of my multi-content creation activities. It’s a tool that is extensively used across all my brands and could potentially be made into a mascot.
  4. Website Development: I’m working on developing and maintaining the websites for each of my brands. This includes setting up and configuring the sites, creating and updating content, and implementing SEO strategies.
  5. Community Engagement: I’m building communities around my brands, primarily through Discord and The Hub. This involves engaging with my audience, responding to comments and questions, and fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.
  6. Business Development: I’m actively working on developing my multi-brand content creation business. This includes creating business and monetization strategies, exploring potential revenue streams, and planning for future growth.
  7. Learning and Improvement: I’m continually learning and improving my skills in various areas, particularly motorsports mechanics and fabrication and the 3D pipeline.
  8. Personal Time: I also have personal commitments and interests that need to be factored into my schedule.

The Guild and I laid out this basic plan early on:

Monday: Steelbak – Working on DIY motorsports projects, documenting the process, and creating content for the Steelbak brand.

Tuesday: Flying-Higher – Creating content related to open-source tools and content creation strategies, as well as managing and scaling servers.

Wednesday: DiggnDeeper – Curating and creating content related to open-source and decentralized technologies, and working on the wp-dapp project.

Thursday: Farrier Services – Shoeing horses, creating content related to farrier work, and planning for future content.

Friday: 3D/Blender – Working on 3D modeling and animation projects, creating content related to Blender and 3D design, and planning for future content.

Saturday: Content Review and Planning – Reviewing the past week’s content, planning for the next week, and making adjustments to the content strategy as needed.

Sunday: Rest and Recharge – Taking a break from content creation to rest and recharge for the next week.

Ideal Year

Spreadsheet with months listed, creating macro goals.